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Showing posts from January, 2024

The difference between making a sale and facilitating a business transaction.

When it comes to business, specifically sales in general, many of us get lost in the transaction. What I mean here is, a transaction differs vastly than making a sale or when influence is used to close a deal. For instance: A customer walks into Walmart and decides to buy a TV. In this case, the customer already knows the brand/size he wants and proceeds to the checkout counter. Walmart may have put the item on “sale”, but this is known as a transaction. The next customer walks into Best Buy looking for a TV, and decides to ask for help. The sales rep in turn goes through the selection of available TV’s, while using his influence to persuade the customer, in hopes of getting a decision. The “sale” happened when the customer walked out with a bigger and better TV than initially planned. In this case, the sales rep was not just “taking an order”, or facilitating a transaction. This is where most salespeople get it wrong. It sounds simple, but to be an effective salesperson, one must know...