If you are shopping for new flooring, I suggest you buy from your local retailer. In this article I am going to give you a few good reasons why you should not buy flooring online. If you do choose to buy your flooring off the internet, make sure to do your homework.
The first problem you will come across when purchasing flooring online, is the availability of samples. Most internet floor stores will only send you a small sample piece of the material, which is not truly representing the product. In other words, what you see is not always what you get. The material once shipped, may or may not be first quality. You should also be aware of the fact, that many manufacturers will not warranty products that are purchased over the internet. If you do have a problem with the floor, good luck getting someone to come at look at it. Another issue one must deal with is shipping. Most times the truck driver that delivers the material will unload the flooring at the end of the driveway and leave you to move it into the house. Many internet flooring stores will not accept returns for any reason. Basically, if you decide you do not like the floor, you will not be able to return it. If you do purchase flooring online use your credit card. This way if you need to dispute the charges you can. If you do buy online, you are going to have to find your own flooring installer. Unless you know a qualified flooring mechanic, this is flirting with disaster and not recommended.
Here are a couple of reasons why you should buy from your local flooring retailer. Number one, a lot of money and times is spent on displays and advertising. Internet flooring stores have not invested much time, or money into promoting the product. There is also a large expense in having a retail location. These retail stores were built for you the consumer to shop at. I do not think it is right for a customer to use the retailer for their knowledge and their samples, only to buy online. It takes a real sales person to sell a product at a decent profit. Anyone can take orders for pennies over cost. Retailers are in the business to make money and to provide superior service, which is another thing that internet stores lack. Also; warranty issues, complaints, credit issues, and installation problems are much easier to handle at the local level.
As the market contracts even further in the next few months, more and more flooring retailers are going to go out of business. Help support them and take advantage of the service they provide. If you don't, they may not be there in the future for you to depend on. In some cases you may be able to buy the material cheaper online, but it could cost you more in the long run. Buyer beware
The Floor Man
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