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Nylon vs. Polyester carpet

Carpet comes is a variety of styles and types, but more important is the type of fiber from which it is made. In this article I will talk about the general differences in nylon and polyester carpet. Before purchasing carpet for your home, check to see what type of fiber the carpet is made of.

Polyester carpet as well as nylon, both have their advantages and disadvantages. One advantage that polyester carpet has over nylon is that it is more stain resistant. Polyester is made from plastics and resins and is considered to be a closed cell fiber.
Nylon is an open cell fiber, thus making it more susceptible to stains. Polyester is considered a "green" product; primarily it is made from recycled materials. Nylon carpet is petroleum based and is generally considered "green". Polyester carpets can be found in a variety of colors and are considered to be kid friendly.

Nylon carpet is a much better choice for an active home than polyester, as it is much more durable and less likely to show wear. Many manufactures today are further developing polyester carpets because of the cost of raw materials to produce nylon. The main problem with polyester is that it will mat and crush rather easily. Traffic patterns tend to show up much more quickly than its nylon counterpart. If you do decide that polyester is the carpet for you, I recommend getting references from consumers who have purchased this type of carpet. References taken should be from those who have had their carpet for a minimum of one year.

It is very imperative that you do as much research as possible, no matter what type of flooring you are intending to buy. This will insure your dollar is being well spent. Do not believe everything the sales person has told you. Investigate his information with your own research. Many sales people in this industry will say most anything to make a sale. Be careful what and who you buy from and get as many references as possible.
The Floor Man


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